About US








In the kingdom of crowns, Tiffany reigns supreme. Not quite literally, but with her cascading mane of curls, you wouldn't be surprised. Hair for Founder, Tiffany Sams, isn't just an accessory, it's an extension of her spirit. From pre-teen braiding rituals to late-night hair flips amidst deadlines, her locks are a canvas for self-expression, a throne for confidence.

Tiffany traded in pigtails for briefs and classrooms for courtrooms, but her once ample time for intricate braid-downs and hour-long blowouts dwindles. The law, a jealous mistress, demands long nights and early mornings, leaving little room for leisurely salon visits. Her international travel schedule adds another layer of complexity, turning consistent hair care into a logistical Rubik's cube. Yet, the self-care ritual she'd nurtured since childhood, the act of tending to her mane, remains a vital source of strength and confidence. She won't let her crown become a casualty of her ambition.

Tiffany yearns for providers and services as fluid as she is. She craves stylists who weave magic in hotel rooms and colorists who consult via video chat. She dreams of on-demand deliveries of premium hair extensions and express braiding sessions that fit seamlessly into her power lunch breaks. In short, she needs her beauty routine to bend to her rhythm, not the other way around. This yearning, this need for flexibility and convenience, is the seed from which Haus of Zuri blossoms.

Thus, Haus of Zuri is born. Not just a brand, but a revolution. A rebellion against time-sucking salon visits and subpar strands. In this kingdom, convenience and quality are king and queen. Imagine extensions as luxurious as your dreams, ready to be colored, restyled, and worn with confidence on your own terms. No more sacrificing precious hours, no more settling for dull pretenders.

Tiffany builds Haus of Zuri on the pillars of her own story. She takes the self-care rituals that have nurtured her crown for years and infuses them with technology's magic. The result? A seamless online haven where luxury beauty meets on-demand ease. Hair consultations at your fingertips, express deliveries that feel like gifts, and resources to make mane-mastery a joy, not a chore.

Here, at Haus of Zuri, your beauty routine isn't a battlefield, it's a royal parade. You, the crowned queen, sashay through life with locks that tell your story, extensions that dance with your dreams, and confidence that never needs permission. Join us, dear queen, and let your crown shine bright. Because at Haus of Zuri, convenience isn't just a perk, it's a revolution. It's your time to reign.